What to do About Shitholes

eagle with pussy hatAlthough I will always think of him as the shithole president, we already knew who and what he was. So let’s make use of the opportunity his racist, misogynistic, authoritarian world view affords us.

With his latest slur, he was kind enough to offer the Dems another bargaining chip in the DACA negotiations. After all, this happened at a policy meeting. The R’s that currently run the government should soon feel the pinch of supporting a blatantly racist (and for most of us unAmerican) position with one hand, while with the other trying to negotiate immigration policies that impact people of color. Ouch!

Next, he opened a discussion that has the potential to become a national conversation, namely – what should American immigration policy look like, and why? This is what matters, not shithole comments, not Twitter lies, not other presidential crimes and misdemeanors. He may not know how to hold a  meaningful discussion, but we do.

Now is the ideal moment to get immigration policy on the agenda throughout the country and figure out policy for ourselves. In places of worship, schools, in our affiliate groups, reading clubs, boys’ nights, girls’ nights, at community forums, as call-in topics on the air waves and chats on social media. This list is boundless — it can happen wherever two or more people hang out.

Since immigration is always going to be a matter of denying some and admitting others, where do we believe those delicate distinctions should be made? Where do we fall on the spectrum of criteria? Should it be ‘merit-based’ or should it be those in need of refuge? What resources should we put at the disposal of refugees? And why? What shape do want our country to have now, in 5 or 50 years?

To determine our future, we need to be fully present now. We’ve got to think and talk and look ahead to what we want for our children and theirs — and what we can do about it.  Thanks in part to the insanity of the times, I’m starting to think we can do a lot. It’s weird. For most of this year I felt so powerless. Now, as things have gotten increasingly awful, I’m finding my personal-political power.

a dreamerFact is, these shitholes will not be in power indefinitely. If we are clear as to what we want for the moral center of our country – even on this one issue – we will be in much better shape to elect folks that can help fulfill our mandate. We can petition our representatives, encourage our friends and colleagues to run — or run ourselves.

I’m betting the majority of voting Americans believe diversity makes us strong. And that we are not ordained to be America first and become an isolated rogue nation. I’m betting that after this right-wing experiment with government-as-evil and authoritarianism as change, the majority of voting Americans will opt for beneficial government policies. For de-escalation and re-integration into the community of nations, for safety nets and climate-change policies. For science and education. For fair trade policies, decency and generosity in the world. I’m betting Americans will want to move into the 21st Century again and face its challenges and opportunities shoulder to shoulder with other nations.

Even if I’m wrong, and I don’t think history will show I am, the biggest opportunity we have is here right now today. We thought 2016 was the most important election ever. Well, actually it was and we lost. Now November is the most important election ever so we can stop evil dead in its shithole tracks.

Right now is the time to stop focusing on whether he’s nuts or normal, smart like a fox or dumb as paint, capable of handling presidential pressures or likely to blow. It’s irrelevant. Buying into that narrative is accepting smoke and mirrors. We can take power back as individuals and in politics only if we shun him and his antics and focus on the issues that will determine what happens in November.

We can’t get him out until 2020, but today, right now, we can stop letting him dictate the narrative. We can take control of the national dialogue one day at a time. We can talk with our friends and neighbors. We can organize step-by step and day-by-day until we reach critical mass. We have art and theater, writing and music at our disposal. Each of us is only one drop in a huge pond, only one person. But we all know how a drop ripples out, and we have all witnessed the astounding power of one.

Each of us has something to contribute at some level. I’ve had it with an authoritarian regime trying to make decisions for me. I insist on taking initiative so I can make them myself. How we act will look different for each of us, but November is a pregnancy away and each of us is responsible for what it births.

It’s time for all of us who have been saddened, enraged, denied and mistreated to get off our buts and our butts – and get rid of theirs.





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